Social and Participation Council of the Institut Guttmann


ECOM is a movement driven by people with physical and/or organic disabilities who work, through our empowerment and participation, to achieve an inclusive society where we can effectively exercise our rights.

Aspaym Catalunya

Aspaym Catalunya is a non-profit association of people with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities. Founded in 1989 with the conviction of becoming a point of guidance, advice, information and help for people with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities, as well as for their family and immediate environment.

Associació Catalana d’Espina Bífida i Hidrocefàlia

It is a non-profit entity with 50 years of experience whose main objective is to promote the autonomy of people with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus through personalized social care for those affected and their families. By organizing conferences, health care activities and inclusive leisure.


AMIDA is the association that fights for the full integration of people with physical, visual and/or hearing functional diversity in Andorra.
Our objective is, therefore, to equate the rights of people with functional diversity to those of the rest of the citizens, focusing on improving accessibility for people with disabilities in the Principality.


The Mission of COCEMFE is to achieve the full inclusion and active participation of people with physical and organic disabilities in all areas of society, through the promotion, defense and vindication of the exercise of their rights, as well as coordination, representation and promotion of its Associative Movement, thus contributing to the construction of an inclusive and diverse society.


We are a non-profit entity created in 1979, in Girona and managed by people with disabilities. Our mission is to achieve economic independence and social justice for people with physical, organic and sensory disabilities. We represent and are the voice of this group, with the aim of improving their quality of life and defending their rights.


We are the organization of the Lleida social economy that favors quality
life of people with disabilities and/or social vulnerability, by offering tools and support centered on the person and that favor their comprehensive development.


It is a non-profit entity that was founded in 1992 by a group of people affected by multiple sclerosis and their families with the intention of promoting, supporting and leading the defense of an inclusive society that prioritizes the maintenance of quality of life. of people with disabilities; and fight for a change in values ​​that promote equal rights for all people.


IMPULSA IGUALDAD is a consolidated network of organizations that extends throughout the national territory, representing a vibrant and diverse community. We stay at the forefront, incorporating new ideas, accessible technology and designing programs that respond to the changing needs of our community.


We are an entity declared of Public Utility and formed by a group of people who, since 1988, have worked for the Dany Cerebral Sobrevingut collective. We defend the rights, autonomy and improved quality of life of people affected by brain damage and their families. We are part of different organizations FEDACE (Spanish Brain Injury Federation) BIF:EC (Brain Injury Families. European Community) of which FEDACE is a part.

Daño Cerebral Estatal

The Spanish Federation of Brain Injury (State Brain Injury) represents and energizes the associative movement of people with Acquired Brain Injury and their families. It is a state-level Entity declared of Public Utility, which supports people with Acquired Brain Injury and their families in the exercise of their citizenship rights and their full inclusion in the community.

Associats de Pòlio i Postpòlio de Catalunya

This non-profit association is made up of people who suffer from the disease. We want to visualize, modify and improve the social, health, architectural and hospital deficiencies that we often encounter.

Our main objective is to support and advise people affected by the disease. We want to contribute to the improvement, as far as possible, of your personal, family, social and work well-being.

Alina RibesSocial and Participation Council of the Institut Guttmann